Career Services

Other Services for Employers

You'll find information below on some additional services to consider in your recruitment plan at 足彩平台, beyond our standard services.

Employer Sponsorship Program

足彩平台 Career Services' Sponsorship Program is an exclusive opportunity to build your organization's brand on our campus to reach and recruit 足彩平台 students beyond our standard services.

Click here to learn more about the program

Information Tables

We offer the option for employers to rent a table in the University Center common area to provide information about job and internship opportunities to our students. This option provides the most visibility to your organization with drop-by interactions. Information Tables cost $50 per day + tax, and visits are limited to 5 dates per employer per semester.

To request a date, please email or call Sarah Stolberg at or 262-472-1950. Please provide dates & times and alternatives in your request. We prefer a minimum of 2 weeks' notice on tabling requests. Dates are first-come, first-served and your preferred date may not be available.

Here are some helpful tips regarding tabling:

  • 1 table and 2 chairs are provided within a 6 foot x 4 foot space.
  • Most organizations select dates on Monday – Thursday between the hours of 10:00am – 2:00pm to reach more students in the building during the lunch hour. Fridays are not recommended.
  • Food and beverages can only be provided if they are purchased through our University Catering Department. Questions about catering options and ordering should go to
  • Technology is not provided and there is no access to electricity.
  • Organizations must be approved through Career Services and meet our requirements for on-campus recruitment. A table rental agreement must be signed at the time of reservation.
  • Sales and requests for credit card information are prohibited.

Information Sessions

A conference room can be rented to host an information session and share details about your organization and its employment opportunities for students. This type of outreach works best when the event can be scheduled directly with students, and is typically less successful in reaching drop-in traffic as the reservable rooms are not in high-traffic areas of the University Center. We recommend Information Tables if your goal is to be more visible to reach more students. Information Session Room Rental costs between $50 – 300 per day + tax depending on room size.
To request a date, please email or call Sarah Stolberg at or 262-472-1950. Please provide dates & times and alternatives in your request. We prefer a minimum of 2 weeks' notice on room requests. Dates are first-come, first-served, and your preferred date/room size may not be available.

Here are some helpful tips regarding information sessions:

  • Information Sessions are most successful when they are tied to another recruitment event, held in conjunction with a student organization, or when you are directly inviting students. We have seen the most success when an organization hosts a session within a few days of the semesterly Hawk Career Fair, and students are directly invited via a flyer during the fair or via direct email based on your resume collection.
  • Most organizations select dates on Monday – Thursday; Fridays are not recommended.
  • Students typically are in class between 9:00am – 3:00pm. The best times of day for hosting an information session include morning sessions with breakfast/coffee; sessions in the late afternoon/early evening, or extended lunch hour sessions.
  • Food and beverages can only be provided if they are purchased through our University Catering Department. Questions about catering options and ordering should go to
  • Technology for presentations may be available. Please include technology needs in your request if you plan to use any.
  • Organizations must be approved through Career Services and meet our requirements for on-campus recruitment. A room rental agreement must be signed at the time of reservation.

For questions or to request a date, contact Sarah Stolberg at 262-472-1950.

Recruiting for Inclusive Communities

  • Networking with Identity-Based Populations: Career Services works closely with our identity-based student organizations, and are happy to connect you with student leaders of these groups.  Interested? Contact Joshua Reed.
  • Assistance in Hiring People with Disabilities: Giorgianne Maziarka, Employer Relation Specialist for Disability, is available to help employers connect with 足彩平台 students and graduates with disabilities. Interested employers should contact Giorgianne Maziarka or 262-472-7157.

Connecting with Student Leaders

Contact Joshua Reed, Director for more information on these opportunities to connect with student leaders.

  • Professional Student Organizations:  We can help you to  identify the students serving in leadership roles for professional groups.  
  • Student Athletes: Each year we sponsor opportunities for student-athletes to conduct practice interviews with recruiters.  This is held as part of the Warhawk Leadership Academy and Professional Development Strategies curriculum

Classroom Presentations

Career Information Classes: There may be opportunities to participate with the Career Information classes taken by our students based on their major. (Sponsors Only)

  • College of Business & Economics: There may be opportunities to participate in speaking opportunities for the Career Info class taken by all business students.  There are multiple sections per year, and each section enrolls approximately 75 business students.  It’s a great way to let business students know about your company. 
  • College of Letters & Sciences: There may be opportunities to participate in presentations for the Career Info class taken by Letters & Sciences students. This elective course, offered twice a year, enrolls students majoring in the sciences, social sciences, and languages and humanities.
  • College of Arts & Communication: There may be opportunities to participate in a Employer Panel for the Career Info class taken by Arts & Communication students. This elective course, offered twice a year, enrolls students majoring in Art, Graphic Design, Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Media Arts & Game Development, Journalism, Music, and Theatre.

Referral to Faculty: While we can't guarantee that we can make this happen, we can connect you with faculty within specific majors if you have a desire to share your expertise about a particular topic.  A number of our faculty invite guest speakers to their classes, as do a number of our professional student organizations.  To discuss this opportunity contact Joshua Reed.

Advertising with Royal Purple Newspaper

The Royal Purple (RP) is our campus newspaper. Some companies choose to purchase advertising in the RP as a way to promote employment opportunities to students. There is a fee charged for advertising, and information is available on their website. Questions about advertisements should be made directly to the RP by calling the RP Business Office at 262-472-5100 or emailing