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Maija Birenbaum
Associate Professor

  • Department(s): Literature, Writing, & Film
  • Office Location: Laurentide Hall 3253
  • Phone: (262) 472-7398
  • Email:
Maija Birenbaum profile picture

Dr. Birenbaum is Assistant Professor of English, specializing in medieval literature. Her current book project, “The Avenging Savior: Anti-Jewish Violence and Christian Piety, c. 1280-1430,” explores narratives of divine vengeance against Jews in the Christian devotional literature of medieval England. She has contributed work to The Chaucer Review and Philological Quarterly as well as to a book collection, The French of England: Vernacular Literary Theory and Practice 1130-1450. Her teaching interests include medieval drama, crusade narratives, monstrosity, and literature of the apocalypse.