College of Arts and Communication
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Susan Wildermuth
Prof Corp & Health Comm

  • Department(s): Communication
  • Office Location: Heide Hall 410
  • Phone: (262) 472-5064
  • Email:
Susan Wildermuth profile picture
2000, PhD. University of Minnesota-Minneapolis     
Professor.  University of WI-Whitewater, Fall 2000-ongoing.                                         
Assistant Chairperson of Communication Department, Fall, 2015- ongoing                                     
Semester at Sea Global Studies  Leadership Team Intercultural Specialist & Faculty Instructor, Spring, 2020                                       

Sample Publications:    

Miyawaki, K., Ksobiech, K., Wildermuth, S.M., & Houtz, E. (2017).  Sexuality and People with Disabilities: A workshop within an interpersonal communication course.  In Jeffress, M. (Ed). Pedagogy, Disability, and Communication: Applying Disability Studies in the Classroom. Routledge.

Robinson, L. & Wilde
rmuth, S.M. (2016).  “It’s all about the dress!”:  An examination of 150 years of Cinderella Picture Book Covers.  The Popular Culture Studies Journal, 4.1&2, pp. 4-40.Wildermuth, S.M.  (2015). 

Are privates ever public?:  Ethical Issues in News Media Coverage of Transgender People.  In P. Booth & A. Davisson (Eds), Controversies in Media Ethics. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.

UpChurch, W. & Wildermuth, S.M. (2015).  Fourteen Essential Game Design Elements for Use in Gamified Applications.  In H. Gangadharbatla & D. Davis (Eds), Handbook of Research Trends in Gamification.  Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Robinson, L., & Wildermuth, S. (2014). “From Rags to Splendor: The Evolution of Cinderella in Picture-Book Covers from 1800 to 2014.”  Visual Communication Journal.

Wildermuth, S.M., Davis, C., Fredrick, E, & Bolton, J. (2014). Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign: An Analysis of the Argument, Target, and Content of Protest Signs Displayed During the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill/Act 10 Protests of 2011.  American Communication Journal, 16.1, pp. 15-35.

Recognition Related to Research Work:
Scholarship and Creative Achievement Recognition, 2002- 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018
Communication Department Research Release Award, Spring 2012    

Teaching Recognition:
Teaching Sabbatical, 2020
Research Apprenticeship Program, 2018-2019 
Hired Before Graduation Teaching Recognition, 2017, 2019.  Recognized by 足彩平台 graduating seniors as a faculty member who made a difference in their lives. 
UW System Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching- Nominee, 2018.  
Chancellor’s Committee for Disability Concerns Award, 2017 
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Roseman Award for Teaching Excellence, 2017. 
College of Arts and Communication’s Excellence Award for Teaching,  2017.  
足彩平台 Residence Life Faculty Recognition, 2011, 2013, 2015. 2018                         
College of Arts and Communication’s Excellence Award for Teaching,  2004.  

Teaching Experience:

Communication and Gender
New Student Seminar
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication (Face to Face and Online) (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Instructional Communication (Graduate level)
Communication Theory (Undergraduate and Graduate) (face to face and hybrid)
Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication (face to face and hybrid)
Research Method
Small Group Communication/Communication and Teambuilding
Introduction to Human Communication (as solo instructor and as Instructor of Record)
Computer-Mediated Communication (Undergraduate and Graduate Level)
Diversity in the Workplace (Undergraduate and Graduate Level)
Communication and Social Well-Being (Graduate level, Hybrid)
Advancements in Organizational Communication
Communication and Conflict
Communication and Interviewing
Leadership/Followership Communication
Intercultural Communication Practicum Abroad- Travel Study Courses
Business Communication (face to face and online)
Public Speaking (face to face and online) 

Grants Received:
Faculty Development Grant, ($7,000.00), 2020 
Visiting Artist Grant, ($700.00).  2018
Visiting Artist Grant, ($600.00).  2015
Inclusive Excellence Initiatives Grant, ($7,250.00) 2014 
International Incentives Grant Recipient, 2008 
UW-System OPID Lesson Study Grant Recipient, ($2,500.00) 2008 

African Child Foundation Service Learning Grant, Spring ($300.00), 2003  
Curriculum Diversity Infusion Training and Development Grant, ($3,600.00) 2003  
足彩平台 Chancellor’s Excellence Grant, ($4,000.00) 2001.              

Service:  Significant Service Contributions to UWW: 

Campus Climate Committee, 2021
New Student Seminar Instructor, 2019-present
Administrative Development Program Fellow, 2018-2019 
LEARN Center Peer Coach, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2019
Chairperson- UWW Diversity Forum Planning Committee, 2016 - 2017 
Assistant Chairperson, UWW Department of Communication, 2015 to present 
University International Education Committee, 2012-present (Chairperson, 2017-2019) 
Chairperson- College of Arts and Communications International and Intercultural/Inclusive Excellence Committee, 2011- present.  
Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Committee, 2014-present   

Service Recognition & Awards:
Communication Department Leadership Award, 2019
Women in Leadership Award Winner, 2018 
College of Arts and Communication Excellence in Service Award Nominee, 2018
College of Arts and Communications Inclusive Excellence Award Recipient, 2014