LEARN Center

Chair's Council

Powerpoint from the "Supervising ADA's Chairs Council session, April 24, 2018"

Department Chair's Manual
(November 2012)

Welcome to the Chair's Handbook

This handbook although not exhaustive was created to provide Chairs with quick access to information often needed to complete the duties as chair. It is meant to serve as a tool for support of the role of Chair. It is our hope that as new materials are needed ongoing chairs will suggest additions or changes to this manual.

Criteria for chair course release: The chair release is based upon full time FTE of tenure-track and academic positions supervised. Part-time academic staff do not count in this determination.

Compensation: Chairs receive a $5000 academic year base reallocation and a $2800 stipend for summer.

Evaluation Process: Colleges and department vary in their processes for evaluating the department chair. Some have specific evaluation forms that are distributed in the fall of the last year of a chair's term. Others instead/in addition include meetings between department faculty and the College Dean. Please consult your department and Dean for specific information.

Administrative Development Program - 

Department Chair Training Opportunities:

Chairs Workshop: Each August, the Provost's Office holds a workshop for new chairs to review job duties and policies, and a separate workshop for all chairs (new and continuing) to discuss new policies, clarify policies as needed, and answer questions. Attendance is required. Chairs Council: Regular meetings of all chairs are held throughout the academic year (usually three per semester). Topics vary but include presentation of current programs, meeting with the Provost, providing feedback for possible rule changes, and the like.

Other opportunities are also available. Watch for announcements for training conferences, department chair organizations, and miscellaneous other opportunities. Relevant books and websites: Buller, J.L. (2012).  The essential department chair (2nded.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass .Chu, D. (2012).  The department chair primer (2nded.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

American Council on Education Department Chair Workshop 

Academic Assessment

Information regarding academic assessment is available through the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Academic Calendar

Registrar's office master calendar - This site includes important dates including drop deadlines, exam schedule and the contract dates.

University Master Calendar - this can be cued with both the Academic calendar and other items such as campus events and athletic activities.  


Academic Advising and Exploration Center 
This site includes links to each college advising web site as well as helpful student resources. See also - Course Catalogs
Registration tips site for students 
WINS Tutorial 


Link to description of the University Wide Awards - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/awards/uwide/
Classified Staff Excellent Awards
Each college also sponsors faculty awards. Each Dean's office can provide information regarding the awards specific to your college. Chairs are often requested to write a letter of recommendation for department nominees. Student awards - See Students


Chairs collaborate with the Department ADA to manage the budget. Typically, the ADA handles the ordering and rectifying of line items from department expenditures. The chair must sign-off and approve all expenses and budget forms.
Budget and Finance Office 
Capital Equipment Expenditures: Requests for equipment beyond what would normally be covered in the annual supplies and expenses budget are handled differently in each college. Check with your Dean for the procedure in your college. An example process, used by L&S, is shown in an appendix to this handbook. WISDM Materials 

UW System Budget Rules 

Catering Rules

The campus has strict policies regarding food purchases for department activities


A'viands Campus Dining  
After hours building occupancy -all personnel must log in when working after building operation hours 
Center for Global Education - includes information for hiring foreign nationals, travel study and student study abroad  
Catering Rules 
Classified Employee Guide 
Emeritus Faculty: Each department must submit to Faculty Senate the request for Emeriti status on behalf of a retiring faculty member. This should be completed during the last semester of service to the university. Contact the Faculty Senate Chair for format and information requirements.

GovernanceFaculty Senate 
Academic Staff 
Classified Connection 
Whitewater Student Government 
Systems Legal
Open Meetings Law
Records Management - Karen Weston is the campus resident expert/archivist on this issue. She is in the library and offers guidance for chairs. UW System offers this site regarding records maintenance  
Statement of Professional Ethics - Although not officially adopted this statement provides guidance regarding the ethical principles for faculty in higher education. AAUP Ethics Statement 
Different professions also have ethics statements specific to their area. Consult relevant professional organizations for information.

Student Grievance Procedure 
Graduate Student Grievance Procedure - http://uww-public.courseleaf.com/graduate/graduate-school-policies-procedures-university-information/exceptions-grievances-grade-appeals/
UWW Mission Statement
UWW Strategic Plan 

Counseling, Health & Police - Emergency 911

Police Non-emergency 472-4660University Health and Counseling Service 
University Health and Counseling Services does not provide emergency care for either injuries or mental distress. If you have an emergency, you should dial 911 (campus phones may require 9 for an outside line before dialing 911) Faculty and other employees - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/uhcs/counseling-services/employee-assistance-program
Student Counseling 
Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team 

Student Health


Curriculum is the province of the university faculty. Most curricular actions require the approval of the department, college curriculum committee, university curriculum committee, and faculty senate. Undergraduate and graduate curriculum changes follow the same procedures, but there are separate approval committees at the college and university-levels. The forms used for curricular actions are found at the Associate Vice Chancellor's (Associate Provost's) website - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff/curriculum/
There are 11 different forms, not counting ancillary pages. Despite what would appear to be self-explanatory form titles, the intended use of the forms is often less than evident. It is recommended that you contact the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affair's office to ensure you are using the correct form for your intended purpose.

Forms & Policies 


Online Course & Special Course Fees 
Student Technology Fees - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/admin/student_tech
Tuition - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/sfs/
Tuition varies from program to program and from semester to semester. It is prudent for Chairs to refer tuition questions to Financial Services.

Personnel Actions

Academic Staff Personnel Policies (Classified Staff) Academic Department Associate Evaluation There are two forms that may be used for evaluating your Academic Department Associate, one form uses as column format and the other a check box format. Either form is acceptable, however you should stick with one format.  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/manager-resources
Classified Employee Work Rules - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/Documents/adminaffairs/hr/ClassifiedWorkRules.pdf
Classified Employee Guide - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/classified-employee-guide
Hiring Classified Staff During the 2012 calendar year HR will be transitioning to an online system for managing the hiring of both classified and unclassified staff. http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/manager-resources
Face-to-Face Review - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Faculty Personnel Rules 
Merit Academic staff - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Faculty - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Notice of Consultation - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Notice of Review - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Peer Reviews (Teaching) Peer Reviews of teaching are required for tenure-track faculty and may be required for all faculty and instructional academic staff for merit and other purposes as a function of College and Department policies. Tenure-track (non-tenured) faculty require two peer reviews their first year, at least one of which should occur before the first year consultation. Provided the tenure-track faculty members teaching is judged satisfactory, one peer review per academic year is sufficient after the first year. The Peer Review form is College or Department specific and is included in the tenure-track faculty member's Purple Book. Colleges and departments may vary in their specific requirements. Performance Evaluation Report, Instructional academic staff are reviewed on an annual basis. Instructional academic staff with less than a 50% appointment may undergo an expedited review. http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
Post-tenure Review -  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/policies/post-tenure-review


Promotion standards are College and Department specific within the bounds of the university standards. Promotion from assistant professor to associate professor is conjoint with tenure. From Assistant to Associate - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff/purplebook/standards
From Associate to Professor - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/asa/staff-resources/promotion

Purple Book

Academic Staff - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff/purplebook
Faculty - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff/purplebook.html
Separation Forms Portraying the UW-W bureaucracy at its worst, retiring and terminating faculty and staff are expected to wander far and wide across campus collecting signatures showing that they do not have any outstanding parking fines, library books, keys, etc. Staff checkout form - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/fpm/policies/key
Sick Leave Classified Staff - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/payroll/leave-benefits-sick-leave
Unclassified Faculty & Staff - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/a/42592
Unclassified Change of Status Form - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/change-of-status
The unclassified change of status form is used to change the pay rate for an existing employee. The change in pay rate may be either temporary, or permanent. Unclassified change of status forms are used to pay faculty and staff for teaching overload classes during Fall and Spring semesters, teaching Summer and Winterim classes, and otherwise performing work over and beyond their expected duties.
Unclassified Hire Form -  Hire/Rehire Form [Unclassified] Instructions
Unclassified Personnel Policies -  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/faculty-and-staff/personnel-rules
University Handbook 

Police "Emergency 911, Non-Emergency 472-4660

(See Counseling & Police)

Registrar's Procedures & Forms

Main webpage for Registrar's office - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/
All the following forms can be found at - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/forms
WINS Late Class Adjustment Form Administrative WINS Enrollment Correction Form AR Personalized Requirement Form Excess Credit Appeal Form (Revised 10/17/11)Late Add Request Form Late Drop Request Form Major Minor Change Form Substitution Form Time Conflict Authorization Form UG Repeat Policy - appeal to enroll in 3rd or more attempt of a course  Withdrawal Form (from all courses)
This form should be used notify the University that a student wishes to drop  ALL classes for the semester, whether for a medical reason or some other reason. If students wish to drop one or some classes, they should use WINS prior to the published deadlines, or a Late Drop Request form (see above).Students considering withdrawal should consider talking with the Office of Student Life and/or the Student Counseling Center to discuss this and other possible options.

Withdrawal - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/forms/withdrawal-procedures-web
Medical withdrawal - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/dean-of-students/students/withdrawal.html
Dean of Students - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/dean-of-students/
University Health & Counseling Services - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/uhcs/
FERPA - is the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This Act contains requirements for the privacy of student records. Information about the following aspects of FERPA at UWW can be found at  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/ferpa/. FERPA Notification, UWW FERPA Policy, Overview of FERPA, Basic Rules, Authorization to release records, Questions about FERPA should be directed to the Registrar at  registrar@supertudor.com or 262-472-1570.


Audit & Review 
Annual: Each department and/or major must submit an annual report to the Dean summarizing the department's activities and accomplishments for the academic year along with goals for the upcoming academic year. The report typically asks that information be structured according to University and College Strategic Plans, as well as other ongoing initiatives (e.g., Inclusive Excellence, LEAP). Specific guidelines are distributed each year, with the report due to the Dean in late spring. Chairs are encouraged to discuss questions with their Dean. Partnership: Departments are asked to provide information each year on partnerships they have with non-University businesses, schools, community organizations, and other similar organizations. The partnerships may involve service learning agreements; internship/co-op placements; community-based research; volunteer partnerships; cultural or arts-related partnerships; business development assistance; clinical, legal, or social-work placements; student teacher placements; and other similar arrangements. The request is usually made in mid-Fall semester.

Staffing - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff

Form is in the drop-down menu labeled Administrative. Staffing plans describe the department's request for position/s to search for in the upcoming academic year (replacements for retired/resigned faculty, new tenure line, academic staff). They are typically submitted to the Dean's Office sometime during Spring semester. Colleges differ in the procedure for evaluating and approving staffing plans; check with your Dean.


Research and Sponsored Programs: http://gcypou.supertudor.com/orsp
Research with Human Subjects: http://gcypou.supertudor.com/orsp/compliance/human-research
Research with Animals: http://gcypou.supertudor.com/orsp/compliance/animal-research
Release: Faculty requests for course releases arise periodically, sometimes on short notice. In recent years, the Provost has encouraged a one-course release within the first year for newly hired faculty. Some colleges offer course releases as part of faculty professional development programs. Course releases may also be offered to faculty as part of specific campus projects, and releases are often included as part of funded grants. Chairs should encourage their faculty to let them know as soon as they can of possible course release requests so departments can do appropriate course scheduling. Undergraduate research: See Teaching, below



Search & Screen

Criminal Background Check -  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/background-check
Employee Benefits - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/benefit-resources
Employee resources - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/employee-resources
Family & Medical Leave Act - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/fmla
Human Resources & Diversity - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/
New Faculty Considerations - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/new-employee-resources
Building Access After hours - http://my.supertudor.com/loginpage.aspx?ReturnUrl=/occupancy/index.aspx
Business card orders 
Computer, Web Access, D2L Access -Instructional, Communications, & Information Technology - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/icit/
Learning Technology Center - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/icit/ltc/index.html
Hawk Card - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/uc/hawkcard
Human Resources & Diversity - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/
Insurance forms - http://uwservice.wisc.edu/forms.php
New Employee Checklist (for Supervisors) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/hr/new-employee-resources
Parking - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/parking
Recruiting Diverse Faculty - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/Documents/adminaffairs/HR Diversity/Diversity in the Recruitment Process.pdf
Visas - Center for Global Education - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/international/international-students-and-scholar-services
Reimbursement Candidate and Faculty - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/finance/cashiers-office/forms
TER (Travel Expense Report Form used for reimbursement) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/finance/travel.html


Committees Department: Each department will have a different set of committees upon which one may serve. These committees may focus on issues such as assessment, curriculum, search and screen, scholarships and other areas determined by the department. College: Each college will have a different set of committees upon which one may serve. These committees may focus on issues such as personnel, assessment, international education, or other issues determined by each college. For more specific information, consult your college Dean.

University Committees focused on diversity - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/equity-diversity-and-inclusion/chancellor-committee-on-inclusive-excellence
Community service - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/career-and-leadership-development/student-involvement/community-service
Faculty Senate/Committees - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/facsenate/committees
System - http://www.uwc.edu/employees/senate
External service: Other service opportunities are also appropriate for faculty. Service to one's discipline through chairing a division or being a paper reader, for example, are encouraged. Community service in areas related to one's discipline are also acceptable.


Academic Misconduct :In cases of suspected academic misconduct, chairs are advised to consult with their Dean. They can also contact the Asst. Dean of Student Life to clarify procedures and to determine if the student has been involved in other misconduct cases. In all cases, the Asst. Dean of Student Life should be notified of any disciplinary action and provided copies of all written materials so that centralized records may be kept.

Definitions - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/dean-of-students/faculty-and-staff-resources
Policies and procedures - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/dean-of-students/faculty-and-staff-resources
Disciplinary procedures 
Counseling Center - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/uhcs/
Graduation: Degree requirements and graduation - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/catalogs/12-14/policies_degreereq.html
(from the Undergraduate Catalog, 2012-2014)General graduation information - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/graduation
Application for graduation - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/graduation/apply-for-graduation
Some Colleges and/or departments also require an Exit Interview from their graduating seniors. Check with your dean and/or department for specific requirements. NCAA: http://ncaa.org/
Scholarships:  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/financialaid/types-of-aid/scholarships
Please note: Scholarships specific to one's College or Department may not be included on the UWW Scholarship website. Study Abroad:  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/international/globalexperiences

Support for Faculty and Staff

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/uhcs/counseling-services/employee-assistance-program
LEARN (Faculty and Instructional Staff Development) Center - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/learn/


Academic Support Services (Tutoring) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadsupport/tutorial/
Course Evaluations - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/icit/services/course-evaluation
Final Exam Schedule (Available in Schedule of Classes) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/registrar/schedule-of-classes
Final Exam Policy
Grade Appeals - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/handbook/student/policies_grades.html
LEARN (Faculty and Instructional Staff Development) Center - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/learn/
Peer Reviews (see Personnel Rules) - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/admin-forms
Also:  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/a/63636
Credits and Contact Hours - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/acadaff/facstaff/curriculum
(section III. B. 4.; Academic Affairs, Course Information, Credit and Contact Hours)Summer Session & Winterim: In addition to the Fall and Spring semesters, the University has a Winterim session which is scheduled between the Fall and Spring semesters and four Summer sessions which generally run in three week intervals. Check WINS for exact dates and classes offered.Summer Session 
Winterim - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/ce/winterim
Test Scoring - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/icit/services/testscore/index.html
Textbook Orders, Graduate Classes - http://www.uwwhitewaterbookstore.com/buy_main.asp
Textbook Rental - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/textbookrental
Timetables - http://courses.supertudor.com/
Change of Sections (Students) - Registrar's Office  http://gcypou.supertudor.com/Documents/registrar/Forms/, Use WINS Late Class Adjustment Form
Undergraduate Research - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/urp


Request to be Absent Forms - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/documents/adminforms/absent_request.pdf
Travel Approval Form - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/finance/travel.html
UW-W Travel Information Office - http://gcypou.supertudor.com/adminaffairs/finance/travel.html


Transfer Information System
A special thank you to long-time department chairs James Bronson (COBE), Joan Littlefield Cook (L&S), Barb Penington (A&C), and Diana Rogers-Adkinson (COEPS) for collaboratively sharing their knowledge and expertise in creating the Department Chair Handbook.(Initial Document Creation, 2012)Please send recommended changes, additions, and updates tolearn@supertudor.com.


Capital Expenditures for College of Letters and Sciences A. The exercise will be done in two phrases with the first projected amount of approximately $25,000.A second Cap Exercise may then be done towards the end of the spring semester to consider new requests and re-consider items not originally prioritized should sufficient funds be available. B. The principal purpose of the CAP exercise is to purchase equipment that cannot reasonably be purchased by the Dept/Prog. This is usually for items in excess of $500. C. Supplies should not be requested. They should be purchased using the dept/prog budget. D. Computers for faculty should not be requested. These should be purchased through the university/college matching program or through the recruitment/retention fund. E. To supplement the CAP exercise, the Committee encourages departments/programs to obtain funding from outside agencies. F. The Committee will rank requests based primarily upon the essential nature of the equipment to the Dept/Prog. In addition to using "essential" as the primary criteria, the Committee will use the following list of categories (given in priority order) as an aid in the ranking process. 1. Replacement of broken-down equipment that is used in a Dept/Prog office to directly supportclasses. 2. Replacement of broken-down equipment that is used in the classroom on a regular basis. 3. Original purchase of essential equipment used in a Dept/Prog office or workroom to directly support classes. For example, photocopying machines, computers, and printers. 4. Equipment in classrooms and labs essential to instruction. 5. Other equipment used for instruction and/or research. 6. Equipment used in a Dept/Prog office that does not directly support classes. 7. Other G. DEADLINE: Submit CAP requests in priority order by 4:30 pm, November 18th, 2011. For each item requested 1. include a clear and concise explanation of why it is "essential" to the program, 2. explain how it will be used, and 3. indicate which of the categories 1 through 7 in paragraph F above apply and provide enough information so that the committee will understand why you indicated that category.