
Campus Violence Policy

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs

Members of the 足彩平台 community have a responsibility to promote and a right to expect an organized community where individuals accept their obligations to the group and where well-defined policies and procedures guide behavior for the common good.

-足彩平台 Guide to Citizenship

Acts of violence are prohibited by law. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is firmly committed to providing a campus environment based on civility, respect and the free expression of ideas. Consequently, the university has a policy of "zero tolerance" for acts of violence, fear, harassment, and other forms of aggressive or intimidating behavior. Any threat or incident of campus violence must be reported and all reports will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.Violence and threats of violence are always prohibited on campus, especially whenever:

  • the act, behavior or communication is abusive and could cause another person physical, emotional or psychological harm
  • the act, behavior or communication damages or threatens to damage property of the university or of an individual

Examples of campus violence could include, but are not limited to:

  • threats of harm to a person or their property
  • brandishing a weapon or an object that appears to be a weapon
  • intimidating, threatening or directing abusive language toward another person
  • stalking as defined by Wisconsin statute
  • physical attacks on another person such as slapping, punching, pushing
  • putting a fist close to another person's face or other such intimidating gestures

Responding to Incidents of Campus Violence

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Police Department will respond promptly to all acts of campus violence or threats of imminent violence. Dial 9-911 from any university phone without delay. Other disruptive, aggressive, or threatening behavior that could lead to violence should also be reported to the University Police for intervention at 4660. Involved employees may also be referred to the Employee Assistance Program on campus by calling 1490.

Additionally, all incidents of actual or potential campus violence are to be reported immediately to an appropriate person which could include one's supervisor, department chair, faculty member, residence hall director, or Student Life staff member. The employee who receives such a report is obligated to channel the complaint through the appropriate university procedures.

In addition to this policy, there are a number of existing campus policies and procedures that will be used in dealing with campus violence. These include work rules for classified employees, the sexual harassment policy, the academic staff and faculty complaint procedures, and Student Nonacademic Misconduct Procedures (UWS 17). 

Any person who exhibits violent, aggressive or threatening behavior will be held accountable for their actions under University policy and rules, as well as local, state and federal laws. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal, and are further subject to criminal prosecution. 

Violent Incident Reporting Procedures

If at any time there is an immediate threat of danger or physical violence,

contact the police at 9-911.

  1. Acts of violence or threatening, aggressive or disruptive behavior should be immediately reported to the immediate supervisor, department chair or Dean of Students (if students are involved). If for any reason an incident of violence cannot be reported to the immediate supervisor, report it to the next line supervisor, a Human Resource representative, the Employee Assistance Coordinator. Campus police may be contacted at any time by any of the parties involved in the incident if they have continued concerns. These resource people can help ensure that your concerns are properly reported and investigated.
  2. The immediate supervisor should prepare a campus violent incident report. Contact Human Resources and Diversity (1024), the Employee Assistance Program (1490), or University Police (4660) for a copy of the form to assist in the investigation.
  3. The person receiving the report of the incident will investigate, or arrange to investigate, the complaint. As soon as possible after receiving the complaint, University Police should be contacted. The police officer will advise whether police action is appropriate at that time, and may consult with the person investigating as to what corrective or preventive measures should be taken. The person receiving the complaint will then interview witnesses, gather the facts, and assess the situation. The investigator will decide whether the complaint can be resolved within the unit without disciplinary or other action.
    If resolved in the unit and no disciplinary action is required... The investigator will take whatever action is deemed appropriate, list the action(s) taken on the Campus Violent Incident Report form and forward copies to University Police and Human Resources & Diversity, and the Dean of Students (if students are involved).
    If disciplinary or other action is considered... The investigator should confer with Human Resources & Diversity, the appropriate division head, and the Dean of Students (if students are involved) to determine the most responsive disciplinary action to be taken.
  4. Information obtained in the investigation, as well as information about disciplinary action that has been taken, will be held confidential and distributed on a need-to-know basis only.
  5. These reporting procedures do not replace any formal grievance process established in agreements with governance groups. Nor does the use of this process cause an employee to forfeit the right to file a grievance. 
  6. University Police Officers who are acting within the scope of their legal authority are exempt from claims of violation of this policy. Complaints of this nature are to be directed to the Director of University Police.

As amended
Last Reviewed: October 2015