University Committees

Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee


The Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee is a standing administrative committee. It is charged with reviewing 足彩平台's plans for the allocation of the Student Technology Fee in accordance with the University of Wisconsin System Administrative Policy (815): Student Technology Fee Expenditures. The committee is advisory to the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee. The Chanellor's designee is the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

The objectives of the committee are:

  1. Meet and review budget and expenditures twice a semester
  2. Establish Student Technology Fee fund allocation policy and criteria
  3. Solicit proposals from campus instructional/administrative units or other organizations when extra funding is available
  4. Propose fund allocation initiatives
  5. Make fund allocation recommendations to the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee


Committee Contacts

The membership consists of the following:

  1. Five representatives appointed by Whitewater Student Government to represent the four Whitewater campus colleges and the Graduate School
  2. One representative from the Division of Student Affairs
  3. One representative from the Division of Academic Affairs (preference for Technology Coordinator from one of the colleges)
  4. One representative from the Division of Administrative Affairs (preference for a representative from the Budget Office)
  5. One faculty representative appointed by Faculty Senate

Ex-officio members:

1.  Chief Information Officer
2.  One representative from the Rock County Campus
3.  The Chancellor or the Chancellor's Designee
4.  The Whitewater Student Government Speaker

The WSG Speaker and the Chief Information Officer develop the agenda, schedule the meetings, takes notes during the meeting, post the agenda and meeting notes on the Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee website, and will be responsible for filling positions on the committee as vacancies occur. The WSG Speaker and CIO report committee work to the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee.

Division Contact

Division of Academic Affairs

Last revision 6/2023